Multiple ways to earn money online:freelancing, paid surveys, typing images, uploading files, affiliate marketing, blogging, currency trading.

Feb 11, 2013

Google Adsense

It is an agreement between you as a publisher and google adsense. In this agreement, google requires you to either own a website as like online newspapers, or create a free blog. The purpose for this is so that they advertise  on your site or blog. Google is willing to pay you cool bucks for a chance to advertise on your site (which can either be a good blog or an actual website).

Website requires some form of money to buy a domain name(as com,net), but a Blog is totally free. So it is helpful advise to you ,use a blog for the main time until you have made enough money to maintain a proper website (website buy fee min. 10$).
The process of creating a blog is quite easy and stress free.
go to and create your free gmail account.
Then , go to and click on the link and sign up with your gmail address and password,
Next just follow the easy steps to create your first blog.
Once you are done with that,
Follow this link to sign up for adsense.
Source of Money

Fill the short form and submit. It’s really that easy.
It takes about 2 business for google to respond to your application. In some cases it takes a lot longer while in others it is usually not up to (maybe in about 24hours or even less) so be sure to check your mail (gmail) for their response.
Once google team approves your application which they would if you followed the steps in create your first free blog.
The approval usually comes with a publisher’s id e.g. pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxx, which will be required to “monetize” your blog. To monetize your blog, click here.

Now that you have created a free blog, set up a google adsense account  and also monetized your blog, you have done the “required work” for the “Jobless/lazy mans money to start flowing”.

Now all you have to do is to seat back and watch your site make money for you.
Though you have successfully set a system that generates for you “Lazy mans money”, my advice is that you still stick to your regular 9-6 job even as this system produces money for you.
Well look at it this way,
The system you just set up does not require your total attention to keep it running perfectly, so will have a lot of time to spare and since “…no on e likes being idle…” you can still keep you 9-6 job.
Another reason is this,
Imagine your were to quit your job and just settle for the cash gotten from your new “easy cash” system, first you would be a center of attraction for the police in any case of money fraud in your city
and also your family definitely would get tired of seeing your face around all the time.
It is very cool to earn the “lazy mans” style but it’s not cool at all to be viewed as the Lazy Man. So take it from me man, keep your 9-6 job it helps.

Watch this video to know how to create account on Google Adsense ,watch advertisement and earn money.

To view video in Full Screen on a new tab   Click here to watch Video on Full Screen

To see other ways of making money online, click here.
